Editorial – 2010 – December
There is a growing need for software testers to come together and share knowledge, challenges and issues that they face in day to day life. A platform to meet and connect with other testers and contribute to the knowledge repository is missing today. There are many informal meets organized by passionate testers here and there. These meets have to be encouraged and should be given a formal structure.
I attended SoftTech 2010 organized by Silicon India few weeks back. I met many testers who demanded more such meets. They conveyed the lack of collaboration among testers and missed a platform to share knowledge and learn from other testers. Costly registration fee is also a hindrance to budding testers.
I remember when I started my testing careers I used to learn not by reading books but by observing other testers testing and learning from them. But that learning was limited to my project or the offshore development center that I was working for. There was no opportunity that I could learn beyond my project scope.
Testing Circus is encouraging and helping Indian Testing Board to create a common platform for software testers to come together and form a chapter in various cities of India. These chapters will help testers meet on a monthly basis, discuss various issues, debate on latest trends, form test ideas on various product/technologies etc. The chapters will provide a formal structure and with no or very negligible registration fee to attend the meets.
We once again urge our readers to donate a half day salary for Chandrasekhar B N who is suffering from Blood Cancer. Testing Circus team wishes him a speedy recovery. Enjoy the 3rd issue of Testing Circus. Jai Ho Testing!
– Ajoy Kumar Singha
https://www.testingcircus.com/editorial-2010-december/Ajoy's EditorialsThere is a growing need for software testers to come together and share knowledge, challenges and issues that they face in day to day life. A platform to meet and connect with other testers and contribute to the knowledge repository is missing today. There are many informal meets organized...Ajoy Kumar SinghaAjoy Kumar Singha[email protected]AdministratorAjoy is the founder and editor of Testing Circus magazine which is read and subscribed by thousands of professional testers around the world. He is associated with various testing forums such as NCR Testers Monthly Meet as a founding member. Follow Ajoy on Twitter.Testing Circus
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