Life Tips – Try something new for 30 days
Is there something you’ve always meant to do, wanted to do, but just … haven’t? Matt Cutts suggests: Try it for 30 days. This short, lighthearted talk offers a neat way to think about setting and achieving goals.
So what do you want to GIVE UP and what do you want to START DOING?
Probably these? Pick one and start doing it for 30 days. You will see the difference.
1) Soda
2) Alcohol
3) TV
4) Red meat
5) Coffee
6) Dessert
7) Rice/pasta/bread/pizza
8) Cursing
9) Putting stuff where they don’t belong
10) Impulse buying
11) Being late to things
12) Video games/Facebook
13) Sleeping on the couch
14) Text while driving
15) Complaining about the 30 things
16) Wake up by 6:30
17) Make the bed
18) Walk 2 miles a day
19) Sort/fold laundry every night
20) Write 1200 words
21) Wash dishes every day
22) Call family once a day
23) Floss
24) Drink 8 cups of water each day
25) Say what you’re thankful for each day
26) 10 minutes of cleaning every night
27) 10 minute work out
28) Plan the next day every night before bed
29) 10 minutes linked-in updates
30) Eat one piece of fruit every day and take vitamins

Good Article.