Simple Hack Gives Windows XP Another 5 Years of Life

Microsoft has officially expired support for Windows XP few weeks back but hackers have come up with a new solution (read hack) to get updates from Microsoft for another 5 years. Isn’t it amazing? Read on.
People who are not yet ready to give up Windows XP have some good news. Looks like a simple registry edit will give Windows XP another 5 years of life. Follow these 15 second instruction which are all over the internet now. It is worth a try.
Fire up regedit and navigate to HKLM\System\WPA and create a new key called PosReady. Click on that new key, add a new DWORD value, and set it to 1. From now on, Windows Update won’t see a Windows XP computer when it checks for new patches from Microsoft.
Instead, your system will report itself as a Windows POSReady device. POSReady is an operating system optimized for point-of-service (POS) solutions. Why does that matter? Because POSReady systems are slated to receive updates until 2019. It’s a slightly different version of Windows that’s retooled for use mainly on embedded systems. However, POSReady XP codebase is similar enough to Windows XP that you can install the updates on a “disguised” system.
The trick mentioned above will work on a 32-bit XP system. The 64-bit version is slightly different, but these step-by-step tutorial is easy enough to follow.
All told, that’s a whopping 18 years of updates for Windows XP since October 25, 2001 when Windows XP was first released. Not a bad run for Microsoft’s first really solid consumer OS. But is it really a good idea to tweak the system registry to get few more updates?
If there’s really no way you can justify spending the money on a new system or an OS upgrade and you’re not comfortable installing Linux on your system, the answer is yes. You might be running a shaky old OS, but at least recently-discovered holes will get a fresh coat of patch applied to them. As a bonus, you should also stop seeing those annoying pop-up alerts.
But remember that XP as a whole isn’t anywhere near as secure as Windows 7 or Windows 8. It was not built from the ground up to resist modern malware, and if Microsoft figures out a different way to distinguish POSReady machines and neutralizes this particular registry tweak… Well, your luck will have run out again.
We strongly advice that you upgrade to a newer version of OS. Why don’t you try using Open Source for a while. We are sure you will love it as you start using Linux or other open source OS. TestingBeyond Testing,Windows XP HacksMicrosoft has officially expired support for Windows XP few weeks back but hackers have come up with a new solution (read hack) to get updates from Microsoft for another 5 years. Isn’t it amazing? Read on. People who are not yet ready to give up Windows XP have some good...Testing CircusTesting Circusinfo@testingcircus.comAdministratorThis article was posted by Testing Circus Editorial Team. Testing Circus is one of the world’s leading English language magazine for software testers and test enthusiasts. The magazine is read by thousands of software testers worldwide.Testing Circus

Or you could upgrade to windows 10 for free when it comes out… (MS is giving it away free for the first year)