Testing Magazine – Current & Past Monthly Editions
Download Testing Circus latest edition and past editions, pdf version of our online software testing magazine. Get all editions since 2010 in one location.
The first edition of Testing Circus, a regular monthly software testing magazine, went live on 15th September 2010. It was started as an alternative to other conventional software testing magazines that were available at that point of time. Testing Circus was aimed at novice software testers who wanted to read and learn more about software testing and the stuffs happening around them. The idea was to create a magazine for software testers that would not endorse any kind of blocs in the software testing community but to help every software testers, novice and experts, take something out of this monthly magazine.
Since then Testing Circus has published 67 editions till April 2016. Testing Circus is one of the most regular monthly magazines currently in publication today with thousands of subscribers from around the world.
First Edition Published – September 2010.
50th Edition Published – November 2014.
5 Years / 60th Edition – September 2015.
Current Edition – 67 (April 2016)
Testing Circus April 2016 Edition

Link to share – https://testingcircus.com/software-testing-magazine/#april2016
Testing Circus April 2016 is out. Download the pdf version. Highlights below –
Interview with Dan Ashby
Read the our interview with Dan Ashby by Srinivas Kadiyala.
Join the Anti-“Test Automation” Brigade – Alan Richardson
In this article Alan will show you a very quick way to fix all your Test Automation problems. This will be especially useful to you if you have ever asked either of the following questions: What test automation should we do? and How much test automation should we have?
Quadrants of Context – Jyothi Rangaiah
This article is an attempt to define, learn and understand the different quadrants of context.
To Document, or not to Document – Leanne Howard
Knowing how to create documentation is something we are often asked about. It is also one of the most challenging aspects of Agile that teams struggle with, particularly coming from traditional projects. The answer to the question of how much documentation to create is – “it depends”. This article will not give you the magic formula, but hopefully provides some guidance which can be applied with a bit of good old common sense.
Communicating Context – Erik Davis
No, this is not another article about the importance of context to software testing. Well not exactly. There are plenty of those out there already and we don’t need to attempt to rehash what others have said already.
Preparation over Planning: An Agile Test Strategy – Adam Knight
The growth of Agile approaches and the constant change that is associated with them has seen an inevitable decline in the relevance of up front test strategy and test plan documents. The need for a test strategy still exists, and in this article Adam Knight presents an approach to establishing a coherent test strategy more suited to the Agile organisation.
#TestRelatedAccounts to follow @Twitter
As usual four twitter accounts to follow.
Automating Radio Buttons using Selenium Webdriver – Mohit Verma
In this fourth series, learn more tricks about selenium webdriver.
Is Performance Testing just a Testing? – Alexander Podelko
The word “performance” in “performance testing” does not just identify another kind of testing, it makes it also a part of another discipline – performance engineering – with its own vast set of knowledge, skills, and techniques quite different from functional testing. Read more in the magazine.
Testing Circus March 2016 Edition

Link to share – https://testingcircus.com/software-testing-magazine/#march2016
Testing Circus March 2016 is out. Download the pdf version. Highlights below –
Interview with Matt Heusser
Do you know Matt become a software tester? If you were to train a “High School dropout Starbucks employee”, how would you start teaching testing? Read the long story in our interview with Matt Heusser of Excelon Development.
Mobile Testing Cheat Sheet – Raj Subramanian
Raj shares secret to mobile application testing. Read this article to find out his Pneumonic – I/WE LACK I-PUBS.
Can We Teach Curiosity? – Michael Larsen
Michael tries to answer if we can teach curiosity. Can you train someone to have a hunger to learn and discover and explore.
The Rise of the Coordinators – Arslan Ali
There is now an imminent requirement for specialized coordinator role to work within these complex software delivery structures. Usually, this role serves well within the domain of business analysts and customer support people, but since the evolution of the latter into more technical aspects, the gap re-emerged for more human oriented actors.
The Evergreen Tester – Brendan Connolly
The advent of evergreen browsers has set the software world ablaze with innovation and opportunity. Testers have the same opportunity should they choose to model their approach after the browsers that set the stage. Read more about it in this article by Brendan.
What is the ‘Right’ Testers to Develops Ratio in Agile? – Ravi Kumar BN
What should be the right ratio of testers and developers in an agile project? Is there an accepted norm? Ravi tries to answer.
#Coaches2Follow @Twitter
Instead of usual testers to follow, this month we recommended four twitter accounts to help you learn more and reskilling yourself.
How to handle dropdowns using Selenium Webdriver – Mohit Verma
In this third series, learn more tricks about selenium webdriver.
Unit Testing and TDD are for Developers – Jari Laakso
A tester, a programmer, and a developer were sitting in a bar. What happens next is an epic story. Read more in the magazine.
Testing Circus February 2016 Edition

Link to share – https://testingcircus.com/software-testing-magazine/#february2016
Testing Circus latest edition February 2016 is live. Highlights from our 65th edition –
Interview with Rosie Sherry
Rosie shares her experience in starting as an entrepreneur, unschooling her kids and her recommendations for testers.
Project Balto follow up – Some Key Lessons in Test Planning by Mike Talks
Mike did a follow up article on Project Balto testing challenge. Read Mike’s thoughts on how he would approach such a challenge.
A Python Book for Kids – How it helped me as a tester by Jessica Ingrassellino
Writing a book for kids is not a kid’s job when specially it a technical book. Jessica shares her experience on her soon to be released book ‘Python Projects for Kids’ and what she learned from the project.
Maestro Concept in Test Reporting – Jari Laakso
Test reporting is often seen as a skill listed in job advertisements. Jari describes how approaching test reporting like a journalists, instead of thinking like an engineer would help us get most out of test reporting.
Panorama of Data Lake Testing – Venkat Ramesh Atigadda
Venkat write about the end to end approach of the Data Lake testing, where data coming from various sources till reporting of the data. This particular approach provides the key testing types with verification aspects and the different tools/technologies which can be leveraged.
Introduction to SmartWatch Testing – Daniel Knott
Daniel’s article is an introduction to smartwatch application testing. The major watch platforms are listed and the 4 key areas of smartwatch app testing are described.
European Testing Conference 2016 – My Experience – Simon P Schrijver
Simon recently attended European Testing Conference 2016 and he shares his experience for the benefit of those who missed to attend this wonderful conference.
#Testers2Follow @Twitter
Every month we recommend four testing related twitter accounts that every tester should follow. Find out who we have recommended this month. Complete list of accounts we have recommended so far can be found here.
Automation with Selenium – Locating Elements on Web Page – Mohit Verma
Object identification is one of important aspects of Automation. In this tutorial Mohit explained how Selenium identifies the web elements on a web page to perform action.
A Fake Tester’s Diary – The Last Chapter
The 60th and Final Chapter of Fake Tester’s Diary. Fake Tester is going for a vacation. Before that he shares his diary for the testing world. Fake Tester will come back with his new adventure soon.
Download the pdf version of this monthly software testing magazine and share with testers.

Testing Circus January 2016 Edition
Link to share – https://testingcircus.com/software-testing-magazine/#january2016
Our newest edition of Testing Circus magazine with Mark Tomlinson on cover page is live. Highlights from our 64th, January 2016 edition –
Interview with Mark Tomlinson by Srinivas Kadiyala
Mark shares the stories – how he became a tester, why he thinks everyone should become a performance tester and also reveals five secrets nobody knew about.
Tester’s FAQs on Certification – Lee Hawkins, Paul Seaman, Rajesh Mathur
Lee, Paul and Rajesh answer some of the frequently asked questions about certification, controversies and alternatives. How a fresher can gain entry level experience without having to worry about getting a certification?
Meetups: Meet, Share and Grow – Ajay Balamurugadas
It is that time of the year when you make New Year resolutions. Some of you might have few professional goals as well. Ajay answers how you can improve your testing skills; increase your chances of getting a job and how to get yourself up-to-date with the latest trends in software testing.
On Becoming a Valued Data Warehouse Tester – Wayne Yaddow
Wayne discusses concepts, challenges and skills required for a Data Warehouse tester.
Once a Noob, Always a Noob – Jackie Custodio
Jackie shares how she started her career in IT, and as a Tester. How she considers herself as still a newbie and why is it there’s a never-ending learning in Software Testing.
Emerging Test Design in Agile Projects – Ravi Kumar BN
Think of a continuum for software testing. On one end you have scripted manual testing. Think of the biggest most table-filled manual test case you’ve seen. That’s at one end of the continuum. On the other end you have freestyle exploratory testing. Think of the last time you tested a developer’s bug fix. That’s the other end of the continuum –- just you, no scripts, using your experience and intuition to find problems. Ravi shares some of the secrets to design tests in an agile environment.
#Testers2Follow @Twitter
Every month we recommend four testing related twitter accounts that every tester should follow. Find out who we have recommended this month. Complete list of accounts we have recommended so far can be found here.
Automation with Selenium – An Introduction – Mohit Verma
Want to learn selenium from scratch but don’t know how and where to start from? Read this detailed first baby steps for learning selenium. This tutorial introduces with Selenium, installation and configuration. By the end of this tutorial we will see our first automation script in selenium.
Download the pdf version of this monthly software testing magazine and share with testers.
Read Past Editions of our Software Testing Magazine
2015 Monthly Editions – Total 12 Editions
2014 Monthly Editions – Total 12 Editions
2013 Monthly Editions – Total 12 Editions
2012 Monthly Editions – Total 12 Editions
2011 Monthly Editions – Total 12 Editions
2010 Monthly Editions – Total 3 Editions
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