Project Balto – Testing Challenge
Project Balto If you’ve seen the recent movie The Martian, then this challenge might seem a bit familiar! There was a problem NASA was trying to solve around testing a…
How To Test – Part 1: Oracles and Heuristics
Last month I set the context and the objectives for this series – how do you teach someone new to testing how to test? In that article I talked more…
How a lone tester can build an efficient test process despite the challenges
Being the sole tester, whether forming the beginning or the end of a test team, creates huge opportunities which are tempered by some hefty responsibilities. If you're the first tester…
Software Testing Factory – How to Mass Produce Testers
This video is a live example of how software testing institutes are mass producing software testers like a factory assembly line. Students are taught to repeat the definitions after the…
TASTRO – Tester’s Astrology 2015 – by @RrajeshBarde
Funny Astrology Funny: Tester's Astrology 2015 Aries (March 20 - April 18) Tester in you makes you a stickler to quality. You may have to undertake a Test in Soft…
Four Simple Steps to Becoming the Best Tester You can be – by @TestSheepNZ
Four Simple Steps to Becoming the Best Tester You can be It seems right now thanks to YouTube's advertising policy, every time I want to watch a music video, I…
Are You A Thinking Tester? by @kengel100
What is a Thinking Tester? A Thinking Tester is someone who actively improves their skills, questions the status quo and continues to learn about their profession. Every legitimately context-driven tester…
Assumptions: Necessary or Evil in Testing? – by @raine_check
Questioning assumptions The first Testing meet-up I went to was a session on Test Planning. Nearing the end of the experience report that started the conversation, the presenter quoted James…
Wrong Hiring Process for Testers in India – @GaganTalwar
So we are finally hiring, are we? Really? We get many emails every day that we have open positions and then we have a profile which is required. Many of…
The HALF-BAKED truth about Open Source Testing Tools
Open Source!!! Free!!! Sounds exciting! Isn’t it? Well, I am not against using open source tools and hence I’m going to say YES along with many of you. But everything…