Testers To Follow on Twitter
200+ Software Testers To Follow on Twitter

Are you new to twitter and wondering who to follow on twitter? Every month we recommend few testers who are active in twitter. They share great testing stories and useful information in twitter. Here is the collection of all tweeples we have recommended and published so far since September 2010. This list is updated every month.
IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE LIST, THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU ARE NOT WORTH FOLLOWING. It is just that we recommend only 4 testers every month. We have a long list that we are going to recommend. Stay tuned every month for the new updates.
List of over 200 software testers to follow in Twitter
*(in alphabetical order)
Name | Twitter Handle | Twitter URL |
99tests | @99tests | https://twitter.com/99tests |
Adam Goucher | @adamgouche | https://twitter.com/adamgouche |
Adam Yuret | @AdamYuret | https://twitter.com/AdamYuret |
AdhocTester | @AdhocTester | https://twitter.com/AdhocTester |
Aditya Garg | @adigindia | https://twitter.com/adigindia |
Ajay Balamurugadas | @ajay184f | https://twitter.com/ajay184f |
Ajay Sharma | @ajay1811 | https://twitter.com/ajay1811 |
Ajoy Kumar Singha | @AjoySingha | https://twitter.com/AjoySingha |
Alan Richardson | @eviltester | https://twitter.com/eviltester |
AlanPage | @alanpage | https://twitter.com/alanpage |
Albert Gareev | @agareev | https://twitter.com/agareev |
Aleksis Tulonen | @al3ksis | https://twitter.com/al3ksis |
Alessandra Moreira | @testchick | https://twitter.com/testchick |
Alex Kell | @Wiggly | https://twitter.com/Wiggly |
Amy Phillips | @ItJustBroke | https://twitter.com/ItJustBroke |
Anand Ramdeo | @testinggeek | https://twitter.com/testinggeek |
Anders Dinsen | @andersdinsen | https://twitter.com/andersdinsen |
Andy Glover | @cartoontester | https://twitter.com/cartoontester |
Anna Royzman | @QA_nna | https://twitter.com/QA_nna |
Anuj Magazine | @anujmagazine | https://twitter.com/anujmagazine |
Anwar Bosbool | @AnwarBosbool | https://twitter.com/AnwarBosbool |
Asif Iquebal Sarkar | @Asif_Iquebal | https://twitter.com/Asif_Iquebal |
AST | @AST_News | https://twitter.com/AST_News |
BAD TESTING | @BadTesting | https://twitter.com/BadTesting |
Ben Simo | @qualityfrog | https://twitter.com/qualityfrog |
Benjamin Kelly | @benjaminkelly | https://twitter.com/benjaminkelly |
Benjamin Yaroch | @dynamoben | https://twitter.com/dynamoben |
beQualified.de | @beQualified_de | https://twitter.com/beQualified_de |
Bernd Beersma | @bbeersma | https://twitter.com/bbeersma |
Bernice Niel Ruhland | @bruhland2000 | https://twitter.com/bruhland2000 |
Bharath | @sbharath1012 | https://twitter.com/sbharath1012 |
Bill Matthews | @Bill_Matthews | https://twitter.com/Bill_Matthews |
Bill The Tester | @BillTheTester | https://twitter.com/BillTheTester |
Bj Rollison | @TestingMentor | https://twitter.com/TestingMentor |
bolette | @teglbjaerg | https://twitter.com/teglbjaerg |
Brian Osman | @bjosman | https://twitter.com/bjosman |
BugCam | @GetBugCam | https://twitter.com/GetBugCam |
Cem Kaner | @DrCemKaner | https://twitter.com/DrCemKaner |
Chris Kenst | @ckenst | https://twitter.com/ckenst |
Chris McMahon | @chris_mcmahon | https://twitter.com/chris_mcmahon |
Christopher Chartier | @ChartierMcpe | https://twitter.com/ChartierMcpe |
Claire Moss | @aclairefication | https://twitter.com/aclairefication |
Curtis Stuehrenberg | @cowboytesting | https://twitter.com/cowboytesting |
Daily Testing Tip | @dailytestingtip | https://twitter.com/dailytestingtip |
Daniel Knott | @dnlkntt | https://twitter.com/dnlkntt |
David Burns | @AutomatedTester | https://twitter.com/AutomatedTester |
David Garcia Romero | @QualityDave | https://twitter.com/QualityDave |
David Greenlees | @DMGreenlees | https://twitter.com/DMGreenlees |
Dawn Test Code | @dckismet | https://twitter.com/dckismet |
Derk-Jan De Groud | @DerkJanDeGrood | https://twitter.com/DerkJanDeGrood |
Dheeraj Karanam | @mindseye04 | https://twitter.com/mindseye04 |
Doron Reuveni | @doronr | https://twitter.com/doronr |
Dorothy Graham | @DorothyGraham | https://twitter.com/DorothyGraham |
Duncan Nisbet | @DuncNisbet | https://twitter.com/DuncNisbet |
Elena Houser | @elenahouser | https://twitter.com/elenahouser |
Elisabeth Hendrickson | @testobsessed | https://twitter.com/testobsessed |
Eran Kinsbruner | @ek121268 | https://twitter.com/ek121268 |
Erik Brickarp | @Brickuz | https://twitter.com/Brickuz |
Erik Davis | @erikld | https://twitter.com/erikld |
Eusebiu Blindu | @testalways | https://twitter.com/testalways |
Faiza Yousuf | @FaizaYousuf | https://twitter.com/FaizaYousuf |
Farid Vaswani | @FVaswani | https://twitter.com/FVaswani |
Faris Sweis | @farissweis | https://twitter.com/farissweis |
Fiona Charles | @FionaCCharles | https://twitter.com/FionaCCharles |
Gagan Talwar | @gagantalwar | https://twitter.com/gagantalwar |
Gagneet Singh | @gagneet | https://twitter.com/gagneet |
Gary Masnica | @gary_masnica | https://twitter.com/gary_masnica |
Geir Gulbrandsen | @GeirGulbrandsen | https://twitter.com/GeirGulbrandsen |
Geoff Loken | @autesting | https://twitter.com/autesting |
Geordie Keitt | @geordiekeitt | https://twitter.com/geordiekeitt |
Gerald Weinberg | @JerryWeinberg | https://twitter.com/JerryWeinberg |
Glen E. Ivey | @gleneivey | https://twitter.com/gleneivey |
Greg McNelly | @gregmcnelly | https://twitter.com/gregmcnelly |
Henrik Andersson | @henkeandersson | https://twitter.com/henkeandersson |
House of Test | @houseoftest | https://twitter.com/houseoftest |
Huib Schoots | @huibschoots | https://twitter.com/huibschoots |
IlariHenrik Aegerter | @ilarihenrik | https://twitter.com/ilarihenrik |
IsThereAProblemHere | @isthereaproblem | https://twitter.com/isthereaproblem |
Jaijeet Pandey | @jaijeetpandey | https://twitter.com/jaijeetpandey |
James Marcus Bach | @jamesmarcusbach | https://twitter.com/jamesmarcusbach |
James Thomas | @qahiccupps | https://twitter.com/qahiccupps |
James Whittaker | @docjamesw | https://twitter.com/docjamesw |
Janet Gregory | @janetgregoryca | https://twitter.com/janetgregoryca |
Jari Laakso | @JariLaakso | https://twitter.com/JariLaakso |
Jason Barile | @JasonBarile | https://twitter.com/JasonBarile |
Jay Philips | @jayphilips | https://twitter.com/jayphilips |
Jayapradeep Jiothis | @jayapradeep | https://twitter.com/jayapradeep |
JeanAnn Harrison | @JA_Harrison | https://twitter.com/JA_Harrison |
Jean-Paul Varwijk | @Arborosa | https://twitter.com/Arborosa |
Jeff Fry | @jfry | https://twitter.com/jfry |
Jeff Lucas | @testtooljunkie | https://twitter.com/testtooljunkie |
Jeroen Mengerink | @AngusVB | https://twitter.com/AngusVB |
Jess Ingrassellino | @jessica_nickel | https://twitter.com/jessica_nickel |
Jodie Alaine Parker | @ubuntutester | https://twitter.com/ubuntutester |
Joe Colantonio | @jcolantonio | https://twitter.com/jcolantonio |
Johan Jonasson | @johanjonasson | https://twitter.com/johanjonasson |
Johanna Rothman | @johannarothman | https://twitter.com/johannarothman |
John Bach | @jbtestpilot | https://twitter.com/jbtestpilot |
Jonathan Ross | @jonathanross | https://twitter.com/jonathanross |
Joris Meerts | @testingref | https://twitter.com/testingref |
Joris Meerts | @testingref | https://twitter.com/testingref |
Julie Hurst | @joolery | https://twitter.com/joolery |
Jyothi Rangaiah | @aarjay | https://twitter.com/aarjay |
Karen N Johnson | @karennjohnson | https://twitter.com/karennjohnson |
Kate Falanga | @Squidish_QA | https://twitter.com/Squidish_QA |
Katrina Edgar | @katrina_tester | https://twitter.com/katrina_tester |
Keith Klain | @KeithKlain | https://twitter.com/KeithKlain |
Kim Engel | @kengel100 | https://twitter.com/kengel100 |
Lanette Creamer | @lanettecream | https://twitter.com/lanettecream |
Lisa Crispin | @lisacrispin | https://twitter.com/lisacrispin |
Lorinda Brandon | @lindybrandon | https://twitter.com/lindybrandon |
Maii Magdy | @Maihoza | https://twitter.com/Maihoza |
Marcel Hogenhout | @marcelhogenhout | https://twitter.com/marcelhogenhout |
Maria Kedemo | @mariakedemo | https://twitter.com/mariakedemo |
Mark Tomlinson | @mtomlins | https://twitter.com/mtomlins |
Mark Vasko | @MarkVasko | https://twitter.com/MarkVasko |
Markus Gärtner | @mgaertne | https://twitter.com/mgaertne |
Martin Hynie | @vds4 | https://twitter.com/vds4 |
Martin Jansson | @martin_jansson | https://twitter.com/martin_jansson |
Matt Hutchison | @SQAMATT | https://twitter.com/SQAMATT |
MATTHEW HEUSSER | @mheusser | https://twitter.com/mheusser |
Meeta Prakash | @meetaprakash | https://twitter.com/meetaprakash |
Michael Bolton | @michaelbolton | https://twitter.com/michaelbolton |
Michael Larsen | @mkltesthead | https://twitter.com/mkltesthead |
Michel Kraaij | @MichelKraaij | https://twitter.com/MichelKraaij |
Mike Lyles | @mikelyles | https://twitter.com/mikelyles |
Mohammad Ashik Elahi | @ashik_elahi | https://twitter.com/ashik_elahi |
Mohan Panguluri | @pskmohan | https://twitter.com/pskmohan |
Mohinder Khosla | @mpkhosla | https://twitter.com/mpkhosla |
Moolya | @moolyatesting | https://twitter.com/moolyatesting |
Mubbashir | @mubbashir | https://twitter.com/mubbashir |
Naomi Karten | @NaomiKarten | https://twitter.com/NaomiKarten |
Neil Thompson | @neilttweet | https://twitter.com/neilttweet |
Nikhil Bhandari | @nikhilbhandari | https://twitter.com/nikhilbhandari |
OWASP | @owasp | https://twitter.com/owasp |
Parimala Shankaraiah | @curioustester | https://twitter.com/curioustester |
Patrick Prill | @TestPappy | https://twitter.com/TestPappy |
Paul Carvalho | @can_test | https://twitter.com/can_test |
Paul Holland | @PaulHolland_TWN | https://twitter.com/PaulHolland_TWN |
Pekka Marjamäki | @pekkamarjamaki | https://twitter.com/pekkamarjamaki |
Perze Ababa | @perze | https://twitter.com/perze |
Phil Kirkham | @pkirkham | https://twitter.com/pkirkham |
Pradeep Soundararajan | @testertested | https://twitter.com/testertested |
Praveen Singh | @vpsingh | https://twitter.com/vpsingh |
QASymphony | @QASymphony | https://twitter.com/QASymphony |
Rachel Carson | @akiwitester | https://twitter.com/akiwitester |
Rahul Verma | @rahul_verma | https://twitter.com/rahul_verma |
Raj Subramanian | @epsilon11 | https://twitter.com/epsilon11 |
Rajesh Mathur | @rajeshmathur | https://twitter.com/rajeshmathur |
Ramit Manohar Kaul | @ramitmkaul | https://twitter.com/ramitmkaul |
Randy Rice | @rricetester | https://twitter.com/rricetester |
Rants On Software | @rantsonsoftware | https://twitter.com/rantsonsoftware |
Rebecca Showerma | @rshowerman | https://twitter.com/rshowerman |
RentTesters | @RentTesters | https://twitter.com/RentTesters |
Richard Bradshaw | @FriendlyTester | https://twitter.com/FriendlyTester |
Richard Robinson | @richrichnz | https://twitter.com/richrichnz |
Rob Lambert | @Rob_Lambert | https://twitter.com/Rob_Lambert |
Rosie Sherry | @rosiesherry | https://twitter.com/rosiesherry |
RRAJESH BARDE | @rrajeshbarde | https://twitter.com/rrajeshbarde |
Ruud Cox | @ruudcox | https://twitter.com/ruudcox |
Sahi | @_sahi | https://twitter.com/_sahi |
Sajjadul Hakim | @sajjadul | https://twitter.com/sajjadul |
Samuli | @samuliel | https://twitter.com/samuliel |
Santhosh Tuppad | @santhoshst | https://twitter.com/santhoshst |
Satyajit Malugu | @malugu | https://twitter.com/malugu |
Scott Dickie | @tstfcs | https://twitter.com/tstfcs |
Scott Price | @scottprice_geek | https://twitter.com/scottprice_geek |
Selenium Tester | @TheWebTester | https://twitter.com/TheWebTester |
Sharath Byregowda | @sharathb | https://twitter.com/sharathb |
ShilpaVenkateshwara | @shillu13 | https://twitter.com/shillu13 |
Shiva Mathivanan | @xploresqa | https://twitter.com/xploresqa |
Shmuel Gershon | @sgershon | https://twitter.com/sgershon |
Shrini Kulkarni | @shrinik | https://twitter.com/shrinik |
Simon Morley | @YorkyAbroad | https://twitter.com/YorkyAbroad |
Simon P. Schrijver | @SimonSaysNoMore | https://twitter.com/SimonSaysNoMore |
Simon Stewart | @shs96c | https://twitter.com/shs96c |
Smita Mishra | @smita_qazone | https://twitter.com/smita_qazone |
Software Test Quotes | @Test_Quotes | https://twitter.com/Test_Quotes |
STAG Software | @STAGSoft | https://twitter.com/STAGSoft |
Startup Test Lab | @startuptestlab | https://twitter.com/startuptestlab |
Stephen Blower | @badbud65 | https://twitter.com/badbud65 |
Stephen Hill | @Stephen_J_Hill | https://twitter.com/Stephen_J_Hill |
Stephen Janaway | @stephenjanaway | https://twitter.com/stephenjanaway |
Stewart Noakes | @visionfor2020 | https://twitter.com/visionfor2020 |
Sunil Kumar T | @sunilkumar56 | https://twitter.com/sunilkumar56 |
Susanne | @suezzun | https://twitter.com/suezzun |
Susanne Abdelrahman | @TesterGrl | https://twitter.com/TesterGrl |
T Ashok | @Ash_Thiru | https://twitter.com/Ash_Thiru |
Talent Plus Plus | @TalentPlusPlus | https://twitter.com/TalentPlusPlus |
Teemu Vesala | @teemuvesala | https://twitter.com/teemuvesala |
Teri Charles | @booksrg8 | https://twitter.com/booksrg8 |
Test Management Tool | @Testuff | https://twitter.com/Testuff |
Test Mile | @thetestmile | https://twitter.com/thetestmile |
Test Ninjas | @testninjas | https://twitter.com/testninjas |
Test Republic | @testrepublic | https://twitter.com/testrepublic |
Testers Testified | @testtified | https://twitter.com/testtified |
Testevents | @testevents | https://twitter.com/testevents |
Testing Curator | @testingcurator | https://twitter.com/testingcurator |
Testing Trapeze | @TestingTrapeze | https://twitter.com/TestingTrapeze |
Testing Circus | @TestingCircus | https://twitter.com/TestingCircus |
Testing News | @TestingNews | https://twitter.com/TestingNews |
Thomas Vaniotis | @tvaniotis | https://twitter.com/tvaniotis |
Tim Coulter | @timothyjcoulter | https://twitter.com/timothyjcoulter |
Tim Western | @Veretax | https://twitter.com/Veretax |
Tony Bruce | @tonybruce77 | https://twitter.com/tonybruce77 |
Tools Journal | @ToolsJournal | https://twitter.com/ToolsJournal |
Torbjörn Ryber | @Tobbe_Ryber | https://twitter.com/Tobbe_Ryber |
Ulrika Park | @ulrikapark | https://twitter.com/ulrikapark |
Uncle Bob Martin | @unclebobmartin | https://twitter.com/unclebobmartin |
Unmesh Gundecha | @upgundecha | https://twitter.com/upgundecha |
uTest | @utest | https://twitter.com/utest |
uTest Community | @uTestCommunity | https://twitter.com/uTestCommunity |
Vesna Leonar | @worx4you | https://twitter.com/worx4you |
Vipul Gupta | @vipsgupta | https://twitter.com/vipsgupta |
Vipul Kocher | @vipulkocher | https://twitter.com/vipulkocher |
Weekend Testing ANZ | @WTANZ_ | https://twitter.com/WTANZ_ |
WeekendTesters | @weekendtesting | https://twitter.com/weekendtesting |
Women Testers | @WomenTesters | https://twitter.com/WomenTesters |
Zeger Van Hese | @TestSideStory | https://twitter.com/TestSideStory |
Do you have any recommendation for Testers To Follow on Twitter? We would be happy to include your recommendation. Use the comment form to suggest.*Last updated on 20th May 2015. Watch out for our next Edition.
I recommend myself, neilttweet.
Just thought I’d let you know that I have a Twitter list created specifically for software testing. Everyone can follow that list as I add great testers all the time and you won’t miss out on any great tweets.
Please add @mtomlins (twitter.com/mtomlins)
Please add @IgorLukashow
I recommend myself, too. @dnlkntt Maybe you know my blog.
I suggest me: @majduddin and Arslan Ali: @arslan0644
Hi, My name is Thanh. I’m a tester from Vietnam with around 9 years of experience in software testing
My twitter: @AskTester
Glad to know you all.
I suggest @TheTestDoctor – Dan Billing
Nice list!
A couple of questions though:
1) Why are some handles linked to Twitter (e.g. Chris Kenst) but most not?
2) Henrik Andersson is sure an awesome man but I don’t think he should be added twice? .)
(might be more duplicates but that’s the one I happened to stumble upon .)
Finally I miss Helena Jeret-Mäe on the list: @HelenaJ_M
Otherwise, an awesome job!
1. Those are not really linked to actual twitter url. Link is actually to our website forum member url. Those who have registered with our forum with with same handle. Our forum plugin does the job.
2. Duplicates removed. Copy paste error, not recommended with twice emphasis. 🙂
3. If anyone is missing in the list that does not mean those testers are not worth following. It is just that we recommend only four testers every month. We have a long list that we are going to recommend. Stay tuned every month for the new updates.
Hope we answered your questions.